Is your Sphynx a couch potato?

Do cats get bored? Can they become “couch potatoes?” Absolutely! A sphynx cats natural instinct in the wild is to hunt, stalk, and pounce ever since the day it could stand on all fours. Lot’s of folks think “well, a cat would make a good pet because they don’t need much, just some food and a warm place to sleep and a pet here and there.”

That is as far from the truth as it can get! This is how your cat will become a “couch potato!” Although your cat is far from mild and is domesticated he or she needs to have a life! I’m not saying drive yourself crazy trying to entertain your pet, jut be creative! For a couple bucks you can have your cat using his or her natural instincts and keeping him off the “couch,” and not “bored” to death during the day when everyone is at work or you are away for a few hours. A second cat as a companion will surely keep your sphynx cat entertained during the day but it’s not always the answer or even possible in some house holds.

Here are some ideas, how about a bird feeder in a strategic place near a favorite window perch your sphynx cat loves to bask in during the day? This will keep him occupied for a few hours and they love the stalking feeling of this and the best part about it, no one gets hurt your cat or the cute little birdie! Do you have a cat perch or two? Your Sphynx cat loves high places! This is like climbing a tree in the wild.

How about some choice cat toys or toys with catnip? Spread them around the house, encourage your cat to play with them by throwing them across the room! Once he knows they are play things he will pounce them, bite them and like most toys they will end up in your couch!

Another cool idea is to take a plastic bottle, cut holes just big enough for his or her favorite dry kibble with a few treats as well if you would like and let him spend hours pushing it around and trying to figure out how to get those yummy snacks out. The hole should be just big enough where he has to manipulate the snacks out with his little sphynx paws. Practice with this exercise to be sure he or she can retrieve the snacks without too much of a fight or it will not be pleasant and fun for your kitty.

All these things i’ve mentioned are also a good healthy exercise for your sphynx companion! Keep that cat of the couch and entertained during the day while there by themselves and try some of these cool ideas!

Sphynx Cat Community

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