Tag Archives: bathing sphynx

Sphynx Shampoo, is there such a thing?

Sphynx Suds shampoo for the “naturally naked” is an all natural shampoo blended with natural oils specifically formulated to clean and moisturize your Sphynx cat. Sphynx Suds is an all natural alternative to the “average” pet shampoo that sometimes contain harsh chemicals. Oh yeah, Sphynx Suds works great on all “naturally naked” pets, dogs, cats and even the “furry” pets too! So you don’t have to buy numerous pet products, one for hairless, one for hair, one for dry skin one for oily skin and so on, Sphynx Suds does it all!

If you own a Sphynx already, you know what bath time consist of. If you do not own a Sphynx yet you will soon find that depending on your kitty, it is a time you will not generally look forward to.
Although some Sphynx owners are lucky and get that sweet little Sphynx that sits there and absolutely loves bath time, let me tell you something, Not mine! If you have been a Sphynx owner for a while you have found that either a certain “dish detergent” soap works ok, or perhaps a “gentle” baby shampoo does a little something, I guess? But most of the old timers wise to the oily little critters just oil up the old cat with a bucket of messy, sticky, slippery coconut oil before bath time, and yes it generally works good, the coconut does loosen up the natural oil (sebum )and dirt that the Sphynx naturally accumulates, but it’s not fun to work with as described above, messy, sticky, and slippery, not to mention an “extra” step!

As a Sphynx owner you will soon find most Sphynx require a bath once a week. However we do not recommend bathing your Sphynx more than once a week. If you can go longer than a week without a bath thats great! The reason why we do not recommend more than once a week bathing is that every time you bath your Sphynx, you remove the natural oils (sebum) that protect your pet, it also leaves your pet susceptible to bacteria and possible infection. Sebum is the natural oil that protects your Sphynx skin. These oils are removed during bathing as does the dirt that sticks to the oil, the allergens and dander. So when bathing your Sphynx the removing of the sebum is normal as with any shampoo. Sphynx Suds also extends the time frame between bathing your Sphynx by keeping them cleaner longer!

Sphynx Suds is an all natural shampoo blended with all natural oils that will moisturize and refresh your Sphynx skin. It does not contain the harsh chemicals that “average” pet shampoos or even “human” shampoos put in their ingredients. Humans have a much different skin balance then the Sphynx cat.

Nothing will remove the oils and dirt like Sphynx Suds. Trust us we have tried everything! The work out of applying coconut then shampoo then rinse is great, but in actuality, besides messy and time consuming, the coconut oil will in fact draw more dirt to your Sphynx quicker then just bathing them with just good old shampoo. As far as “dish detergent” we do not recommend it due to its “repeated” use of harsh chemicals that are not safe for weekly use on your precious Sphynx. So when you see an animal being washed on television with “dish soap” remember, that animal is only being washed once then let back into the wild, not every week like you Sphynx.

To sum it up Sphynx Suds pet shampoo is an all natural superior alternative to any pet shampoo on the market that can be used on all of your pets! But you wanna know the best thing about Sphynx Suds? It’s the only Sphynx shampoo in the world that actually does what it’s suppose to. It works miracles on the Sphynx cat!

Sphynx Lair The Largest Sphynx Cat Community in the World!

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Why do I have to bathe my Sphynx cat once a week and why is he so oily and dirty?

Bathing Sphynx Cats
Sphynx cats tend to show dirt and oil for the lack of fur, their skin produces the same oils as a fully furred cat, but the oil is not spread or hidden in the fur. Some sphynx cats will get dirtier then others, so you may have to bathe more then once a week depending on your Sphynx.

How often should I bathe my Sphynx cat?

We recommend bathing your Sphynx kitten or cat at least one a week , depending how oily and dirty your sphynx cat gets.

Where do I bathe my Sphynx cat?

A Sphynx kitten we recommend in the sink, fill the water up to about his chest area and gently wet him or her with your hand 0r a cup, and clean away. If he or she becomes fidgety, place your hand on the back of the cats neck gently, but firm to control their movements. Be careful not to get shampoo or water in the nose, eyes or ears. A larger Sphynx cat can be bathed in your bath tub with the water being up to their chest area and gently wash them in the same manner. Be careful not to get shampoo or water in their nose eyes or ears.

What type of shampoo should I use on my Sphynx Cat?

We recommend Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. If the shampoo is safe for your human baby then it is safe for your Sphynx cat.

TIP 1: Before and after care.

Coconut oil (organic) is also good for your Sphynx cat’s skin to loosen up dirt before a bath and help keep their skin a little cleaner in between baths. Apply the coconut oil five to ten minutes before bath time and it will help to loosen the dirts and oils up to get them squeaky clean! Coconut oil is also very good if your Sphynx cat has dry skin, apply coconut oil to moisturize the skin.

TIP 2: In between bath care.

Baby wipes are great to use in between baths to clean dirty areas and sometimes to wipe down there little butts when needed.

Important: As always check with your vet first, and make sure all products are pet safe!


Filed under Sphynx Care